Theater & Musicals in Vienna
The famous theaters of Vienna can boast of an excellent international reputation. From the classics to cabaret, the programs being offered on Vienna's stages are a cultural experience you shouldn't miss. The theater stages of Vienna have been an essential part of the cultural landscape for centuries. The citizens of Vienna have always had a passion for visiting theaters. It's no wonder that theater is the subject of so much controversial discussion - perhaps more than in any other metropolis.
From Elitist Culture to Suburban Stages
In Vienna people flock to more than the famous Burgtheater, Academy Theater or the Josefstadt Theater; there are also amateur stages and cabarets which carry on a cherished tradition. On the smaller stages, daily life and politics are lampooned - in the typical Viennese dialect, of course. This is also true of live performances of original Viennese songs at the wine inns (Heurigen) and in the simple snack bars of the city, where the locals gather. Maybe you will speak some "Weanerisch" after your visit here!
Musicals in Vienna
At the "Ronacher" and "Raimund Theater", you can see musicals such as "Tanz der Vampire" (Dance of the Vampires) and starting March 2010 "Ich war noch niemals in N.Y" (I was Never in New York) by Udo Jürgens. Click here and learn more about our attractive Austria Classic Hotel Wien musical packages!