Austria Classic Hotel Wien. Tradition meets modernity.

Are you looking for a hotel in central loacation? Then the Austria Classic Hotel Wien is the place for you. This centrally located hotel with 200 years of history is easy to reach and is exceptional because of its professional yet friendly hospitality. Our rooms modern comfort in charming historical surroundings makes it your prime accommodation choice for your trip to Vienna.

Good reasons to stay with us:

Central location

Top reviews on Tripadvisor

Quiet, air-conditioned rooms

200 years of hotel tradition

Cordial, long-term employees

Rich Buffet-Breakfast

Certified with the Austrian Ecolabel

Cerified with the European Ecolabel

Greenbonus for arrival by bicycle or train

Own parking, garages

e-charging stations

Sauna & fitness room

Price-performance ratio

Terraces to relax

Get in contact with us now by sending us your non-binding inquiry or simply use our Online Booking tool to schedule your hotel stay in Vienna. Inform yourself now about our direct booking advantages.

We are certified

our contribution to sustainability

Our Hotel has been certified with the Austrian Ecolabel and the European Ecolabel. The certification is another important step towards a more sustainable future and we are very pleased about this joint success. Find out more about our commitment and the measures we are taking for more sustainability in the hotel.

Photo gallery

360 degrees panorama images

Take a virtual tour through our hotel and have a look at our hotel areas before you arrive: exterior view, hotel lobby, double room COMFORT, hotel bar, breakfast room, terrace and seminar room. Convice yourself!

→ see our 360 degree panorama images

15-20 Gehminuten in die Wiener Innenstadt

Das Austria Classic Hotel Wien liegt nur wenige Minuten mit der U-Bahn bzw. 15-20 Minuten Gehzeit von der Wiener Innenstadt entfernt. Ob per Auto, Bahn oder mit dem Flugzeug - unser Hotel erreichen Sie unkompliziert und rasch. Unseren Gästen stehen eigene Parkplätze sowie Garagen zu Verfügung. Die zentrale Lage macht es für Urlauber und Geschäftsreisende zu einem Ausgangspunkt für Aktivitäten aller Art: ob zum Stephansdom in der Innenstadt, zum Messe Wien Exhibitions & Congress Center, zum Vienna International Centre (von den Wienern auch "UNO-City" genannt) oder dem wunderschönen Wiener Prater. 

The Austria Classic Hotel Wien BLOG

Tips, News & Info

Our TOP offers

Holiday & economize

Charging-Station, parking & directions
Direct Booker Benefits

✓ up to 16 % discount for direct bookers

✓ Parking space at a reduced price

✓ 5% cashback of your invoice amount

VIP Club
Guest Reviews
Direct Booker Benefits
  • up to 16 % discount for direct bookers
  • greenbonus if you arrive by bike or train
  • reduced parking fee
  • 5 % refund for every stay

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